Sunday, August 26, 2007


School is starting up again soon--next Tuesday in fact. Spanish Comp. started Monday night but it doesn't seem like things are really back since I don't have class again for two weeks. I'm definitely ready to get back to things though. This last part of my summer has been incredibly slow--at least physically; it certainly hasn't been emotionally. My grandpa has completely shut down this past week. He won't do anything unless someone does it for him, and he's been so resistant and bitter. He's a new man everytime I see him, mostly sleeping away the day to avoid his own head. I don't always know what to say or do. Sometimes I wish I could just hold him in my arms and hug him to somehow make it all go away.

I am ready for the start of school, but I know how busy it's going to be. Even more so with my grandpa and family needing more of my time. Getting back means senior year which means getting serious about college apps, writing those darned scholarship essays, continuing the endless job search--seriously it's getting kind of ridiculous...and um, mayble finally getting that appointment for senior pics set up? All I seem to want to do these days is get my butt down to Albion. I'm ready.

Meanwhile, our church hauls itself out of hibernation September 9th. My mom and I are watching the boys for the weekend of September 7-9. CROP Rally is the 8th so I need to at least start getting the word out the next day, or at least a teaser BECAUSE Sunday School starts back on the 9th along with 2 services, communion and a baptism...and I think youth are popping popcorn. phewwww. At least youth meetings don't officially start until the next Sunday. Appalachia Service Project, we're on our way!!!

Another beginning: I received a letter from the District Superintendent this last week approving me to continue on with Candidacy Process. My CP mentor of awesome is Reverend Kathy. I was doing mind cartwheels all day last Wednesday--since I can't actually do them however much I try. I have balance issues, but I am incredibly excited. We're meeting Sept. 12.

So, summer is winding to a close. I finished a good deal of what I wanted to, but not all. My bathroom is still at half-way point. The windows of our house are unscraped. I did however go on many amazing trips, get to see lots of awesome people including the incredible Ashton & Sammy duo, and spend many wonderful mornings and afternoons curled up with books from my summer reading list. I made my way through a quarter (with a week left to cram). The list is over here

So, in close, a smaller and more manageable list for fall (only 12)and hopes for a good and productive fall.

DONE 1) A Thousand Splendid Suns Khaled Hosseini
DONE 2) Wicked Gregory Maguire
DONE 3) Welcome to the Monkey House Kurt Vonnegut
DONE 4) Irresistible Revolution Shane Claiborne
DONE 5) Strange Pilgrims Gabriel Garcia Marquez
DONE 6) Noises Off Michael Frayn
DONE 7) Not Buying It: My Year Without Shopping Judith Levine
8) Talking about Homosexuality: A Congregational Resource Karen P. Oliveto
DONE 9) Prisoners of Silence Jonathan Kozol
10) Les Miserables Victor Hugo
DONE 11) Catch 22 Joseph Heller (because I need to finally finish this!)
DONE 12) Genesis

Grace & Peace!


Unknown said...

Lizzie, I love you. Once I come up with a good Google screenname I was actually thinking I'd start a Blogger blog. I think I like Blogger best...

Yes, it's almost midnight and I have not yet slept.

The church hauls itself out of hibernation, eh? At "my church" two services, a baptism, and Communion are quite the norm on a Sunday. ha ha. Often multiple baptisms... What's "your church's" excuse? LOL. Just kidding. Maybe that Protestant pastors have lives?

Youth meetings, eh? At State Street?

Congrats on the letter from the DS! Who is Rev. Kathy again... I think you or someone else was talking about her before... You could so share these things with me on the phone, you know. I need to practice dealing with jealousy...

Gosh, Lizz. You made it through a quater of your huge list? That list motivated me but I don't think I actually finished a single book this summer. I've started tons, but not finished any. Is that bad?

Book number 7 on your Fall list looks like a good read for both my mom and me. ha ha. I don't think you need number 8 at all. Just keep talking to Carmen, Maggie, and myself and save yourself some reading. Seriously... 10 sounds like a good plan, though I've never made it past Deotoronomy (sp? too lazy to grab a Bible off the shelf...) I randomly started reading the Gospel of St. John but like everything else, never finished it.... and can't find the specific Bible I was reading, as it's buried in my room. Oops. I could never be a priest. I'd lose something real important, like the Monstrance (while it contained the Blessed Sacrament) or something. Okay, I'm not that bad I guess... Lizz, I LOST JESUS! ha ha. Actually He's looking down on me from the Crucifix on my wall... I found Him!

Oh gosh, I should sleep. I just haven't gotten adequete computer time in today....

Attempting Grace is an interesting title, by the way... "The First Lesbian Pope" would be my title. Yeah, maybe I'm too tired to be funny. I really like Blogger though so in my free two hours tomorrow night, maybe I shall create one..... Need a good Google name though, any ideas? I wouldn't want one with my full name in it associated with a blog.... PopeMeghan could work. Just kidding. Whatever. i should sleep. I guess caffiene lasts forever with me. Or that I am alive at night no matter what.

Anyway... I just wrote a comment the legnth of your blog. ha. Oh nice, I just noticed you won't take anonymous comments... So yeah "PeachGoddess" is from 8th grade or so...

Unknown said...

Ah, it doesn't show that.. Nevermind.. I could stick with my old stupid account then...

Rivka said...

Wow a little over a month and I've changed a lot!

wow... Then there was "your church" and "my church"... now it's our church. ha ha.

Oh and whil e my name looks the same, this a different account... So uh.. if you notice I even left this comment, a, write more and b. you can find my blog now....

so yes.. I did find a much, much better title than "The First Lesbian pope".

However things ar still changing a lot, beyond the stuff I rambled to my blog about. ha ha...

I'm having the crappiest day... make it stop.
