Thursday, October 25, 2012

"You're Rich"

This phrase has been repeating itself in my head this week...

Tramping through the fall leaves on my way home, especially along brick-paved Pallister, and breathing in the warm fall air... you're rich to be experiencing this moment right now...

Working through loan repayment details last night, the value of the numbers faded and the reminder're rich to have experienced these last four years, not only in education but in experiencing Biblical community and a fresh experience of faith...

[I felt prompted to check out afterward - top 13.5% income in the world should lead to nothing short of praise! Where do you stand?]

Tuesday night as our community group sat around affirming one another's spiritual're rich to have this community during this time of transition...

Reading God's Word on morning bus're rich to understand these're rich to have this quiet time before the day begins...

Coming home from're rich to have these experiences straight out of college with no certification and to have the privilege to invest in these children's lives and experience their joy...

After months of feeling akin to the blue, little oval in the Zoloft commericals dragging itself along the ground under cloud cover, these past few weeks have been a huge breath of fresh air as the clouds have rolled away and God has blessed me with a fresh perspective. I feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude  at the smallest things. However, may this gratitude be not just an emotion but lay down deeper roots to anchor me whatever comes next...

And even now that I'm inside your hands
Help me not to grow prideful again
Don't let me forsake sacrifice
Jesus you be lifted high

And if I'm blessed with the riches of kings
How could I ever feel that it was me
For you brought me from darkness to light
Jesus, you be lifted high

-"Be Lifted High," Michael W. Smith

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